30 January 2009

Time to leave. Amateur home made flag by Jenny... but it'll do for posing on summits in Equador. You got to start off with something. We're already 3 supporting the project, so great to hear from family and friends, thank you for believing in this good cause - especially in times of recession when we all have to buckle up, the people the project is supporting, need it even more than we do. Bram wants to be able to "make the difference" and I think he's a person who will go to length prooving it.
Last night we drove ("glided" to be correct... in the new car ;-) down to Marseille with all the kids, except Seb. In and out of Ikea... getting the must have Kalles kaviar (pink swedish tube shit, hehe), lingonsylt, bilar (this brand is not in recession) etc... Sorry guys, some of you might want to consult a swedish person to understand. This is serious internal stuff. Then we checked in our adventure boy into a budget hotel at the airport and went for dinner. Great grill, great last night with the gang... Then lot's of hugs, smooches, and bye byes. So we glided home again, not too late, after all the kids had to go to school this morning and I had to give Bram a wake up call at 5:30 to make sure he woke up.. This morning's flight he just didn't want to miss. Have a safe trip. We miss you already.
xxx Jen & kids
ps as of arrival saturday 31/1, Brigitte, Tim's wife, will get daily updates through the electronical gadgets Tim's bringing... She'll do her usual "reporter" work and forward it to me to post for you! Hopefully with lot's of good and exciting news. Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

Dear Tim and Bram,

Good luck on your new adventure!


Maria said...

Heja Bram!

Peppie said...

"loggin in " on the internet almost every hour to see if there has happenend some... , wonder if "The Tenebo Boys" can follow this blogg during there stay in Equador?
for all of you out there a happy holiday and keep on reading and writing :-)


Anonymous said...

Heeey stoere mannen!!!

Maak er een mooi avontuur van, ik ben super trots op jullie. Geniet van alles wat op jullie pad komt, en.... take care!!!!

Liefs van Brigitte

Anonymous said...

Wow Jenny, I wish Tim and Bram the best of luck on their adventure. Thanks for sending me your website. It was great with wonderful photos.
