It's been a couple of busy days, but it's also been a couple of days with no much news from the Zanskar front. Best news were Bram's phone call last sunday on my birthday - yeeeahhh... we got 2 whole minutes, the only minutes I've spoken to him in the last 14 days. Time really flies !!! He was really happy and reconfirmed what Tim already has told us: It's just so amazingly beautiful and fantastic, the people soooo friendly, but Oh so poor, so poor... the guys accompanying them are just great fun, they enjoy every minute. On sunday when he called, they had started their journey back to Leh and when I asked if the trek was very physically demaning, Bram answered no, he didn't think so, but that today (Sunday) was a little rough, but the reason for that was drinking something saturday night celebrating their arrival in Zanskar. Wonder what they brew alcohol from there???? hahaha...
On monday Brigitte had some quick (what's new..) news from Tim, that they were actually making good progress on their return trip due to new snow, which give them good grip on the ice and that they probably would arrive a day early, ie is today, in Leh. And since they gained an extra day, they were organising a trip with a jeep up on the highest mountain pass in the world, reachable by 4 wheel drive - on 5400m. Wow !!! So that's scheduled for tomorrow then. But since then I haven't had news since then... hopefully everything is still on schedule.
My birthday bash was one great party - we were 20p having a typical big french late sunday lunch, with aperitif and 4 course dinner with wines and coffee and cake! One of the guests is actually sommelier for work (you know the guy/girl responsable for the wines in the restaurant..), so the cheaper wine we initially had bought for the dinner, was put back into storage and instead out came a couple of good bottles from our wine cave ;-) A real dinner with a professional "dégustation du vin". We had good laughs, as we were trying to smell and taste, licorice, cherries, horse sweat and mushrooms.... Not sure I agree all the time, but it was fun!!! I was spoiled with flowers and gifts, I don't think I've had such a wonderful birhday in many years, so we'll do it again next year (me and my riding instructor celebrating our common birthdays on the 31st jan!).
I've also spoken to Hella, who's initiated the "children for children" donor project at her kids school in Holland. It's apparently been very succesful as parents and children joined efforts. I haven't got all the details yet, but the children have been so creative. One girl played her flute in front of the local supermarket, raising a lot of money. Isn't that just wonderful. You kind of get very depressed reading the news in the world, but when I hear about all these small "miracles", then I'm reassured that 99,99999% procent of all the people in the world are really good. Tenebo.... together we're strong, right!! Anyhow, the official figure from the school donation will be announced this week on friday, with an official cermony where Hella is invited... together with the press!!!! Wow !! That is awesome, Maison l'Arc en Ciel will be covered in the Naarden media. That's the way to go... Good luck Hella, you'll be just fine, make them take a great pic of you and the kiddos !!
Besides this I had a smaller heart attack opening the mail today. The electricity bill. They check your meter in January every year adjusting your monthly instalment up or down, depending on your last 12 months of consumption. Guess what.... besides having already paid our yearly bill of approx 1750 euros, our consumption had increased so much in 2009, that we should pay another 6700 euros to cover for it !!!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!! Something's VERY wrong here... it is impossible. They claim we used our almost yearly consumption of 12000 KwH, in only 22 days. And those particular days occurred on the 22 days/year we're charged 10*normal fee. On those days we switch OFF as much electricity we can, run NO machines etc. We normally only consume 600 KwH during those days. So I got on the phone and got one really cocky guy first, telling me that this could be a delicate problem to solve, how would I prove that I didn't use that much electricity. Great mentality - assume the client is wrong. Wonderful problemsolving set of mind. So I hung up. And got a nice lady on the phone, understanding that there must be some kind of mistake and that I should have a really good night of sleep, not worry and send an engineer over to look into the matter. So I'm going to do just that, sleep and not worry. Cause I don't have 6700 euros!!! Thats SOOO much money, they'll have to drag me into court, over my dead body, or over my dead france, cause it'll be bye bye, if this takes an ugly turn. French burocracy is absoluty horrifying, so stay tuned... Me against one of the richest enterprises in France - the EDF...
Nighty night dear friends and family, lot's of love,