7 February 2010

Children for children

Trying to recover from the bad news that Bram will not be home tomorrow and that we will have to wait and find out when he'll be back... I do have something to share with you, something that made me very proud and so happy! Here's Hellas story of the official result from the "children for children" action at the school de Tweemaster in Naarden, Holland, incl photos of the reception of the cheque to the orphanage Maison l'Arc en Ciel:
A magic total of €1863,- has been collected by all the children!!!! This morning in the school yard, a super cermony and reception was organised for me by the director Chris Heersink and all the students and teachers of de Tweemaster. Chris thanked the children for their creative work and donations to this specific project and with a big and loud applaud, I was happy to receive the cheque, accompanied by my daughters Famke and Merel. (The local newspaper "de Naarder Koerier" had already placed an article in their paper earlier in the week and were therefore not present!)
Anyhow, there I was standing, very proud but also very emotional by all this enthusiasm from these children. A small gesture turns into a big gesture... The donation will be transferred into my account and as soon as I have the amount I will wire it into the Tenebo Association account. It would be wonderful if la Maison l'Arc en Ciel could send a small note to our school, addressed to the children, so that they can see where their ideas and creative donations went! Understanding that communication is still difficult, hopefully this is not asking too much? Love, Hella
Oh Hella... this is so great!! With the rest of the donations from family and friends, I'm so proud to announce that we will be able to send at least a total amount of €2200 to Haiti's rainbowhouse and their children... Who could ever had imagined this!! Not me at least. I'm putting the last puzzlepieces together, awaiting the official paperwork and registration number of our association Tenebo. With that piece of paper I can open its bank account and wire the money to Maison l'Arc en Ciel. Hopefully the paperwork is done by the end of this coming week (I hold my breath cause we all know how french burocracy works, or if you don't I can tell you AAAALLL about it!!!)

Enjoy the photos, they speak their own language. When Bram is back, I'll be pleased to announce the coldest temperature measured and reveal the EXACT amount of our donation. So stay tuned... lot's of love from Jenny

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing!!!! a lot of small things can build some like this big togheter! Very touching!
