11 February 2009

Refuge Jose Ribas - Cotopaxi here we come

At 24h last night (6am our time this morning) the guys were up and getting ready for the summit of Cotopaxi, standing 5897m, the worlds highest active volcano. Rated as a beginners' level of alpine mountaineering, weather conditions and altitude can still turn this volcano into a tough job.
Refuge Jose Ribas sits at 4800m, a popular spot since this mountain is probably the most popular one to be climbed in Equador. Tim's had the shits for the last 2 days.. pills have not done a great job stopping it so hopefully he's feeling good and is there with Bram climbing this morning. Now being out for 2-3 hours, they should have reached good altitude already, if conditions are favourable. Brigitte will hopefully get a summit call, as soon as I have news I'll post it !! Stay tuned....

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