9 February 2009

Two more to go...

YES ! Live phone call from first summit at 3pm! They're both on the top of Carihuairazo at 5018m. Very very heavy due to lot's of snow. Bram's up in the front paving way and creating a path, or Tim'll sink in to his hips! One guide with them. Visibility = 5m... Conditions are tough, so super guys you made it to the top. More news later tonight upon return in Riobamba.
The guys on the picture are not Bram and Tim, but conditions seem similar. The bump in the middle of the left image is the actual summit. Pretty weird huh?
Good job guys. Stay tuned..

1 comment:

Peppie said...

Wow awesome...a great achievement... very glad to read that they are keep going forward together...
well done "Teneboboys"
keep reading keep writing
