23 January 2010

News from Dehli !

Excellent morning news, there's an email from Tim from last night:
"Hey Jen, Everything ok! Just woke up, 3 am local time. We're staying in a small guesthouse in the middle of a buddhist neighbourhood in New Dehli with Tibetan refugees. No beer ;-) is allowed here.... Very very poor, unimaginable, but intriguing and we have a great time the 3 of us. The London - Dehli flight was delayed for hours and the trip through Dehli to our guesthouse took us 3 hours! We're now getting into a taxi in thick fog, an estimated 2 hours to get to the local airport. Hmmm, I wonder... I think this might be the last time I'll be able to use my internet GPRS, in Leh it will most probably not work. I'll try to keep you up to date!! Big kisses from Bram and of course from Arno and myself too !"

Time difference between Paris and Leh is +4 1/2h (10 am paris - 2:30 pm leh). I've incl on the sidebar a link for the local weather forecast. Take care, xxx Jenny

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