27 January 2010

Zanskar calling home..

Halloooo... No big news, but here's a short update from Brigitte:
Tim managed to call home yesterday, but of course at a time when Brigitte was in the swimmingpool (of +40°c.. mmmm) with her daughter Yael and her whole class for swimming lessons. But Brigitte had anticipated getting a call and left her mobile phone with son Daan, who was home sick. Tim called around 11 am yesterday, they were just about to set up camp site for the night.  It is EXTREMELY cold (however no digits communicated yet..). The river is frozen to about 95%, which is great news, takes away a lot of the worries we had, that the guys would have to trek along the edge of the ice... puuuhhhh. Besides that everything is just awesome, beautiful and they're enjoying every second!
Photo is Tim and Arno with Bram in Chamonix, camping in november 2006, with Mt Blanc evening panorama.

At the school "de Tweemaster" the director has translated the latest developments of la Maison l'Arc'en-Ciel, into Dutch, and emailed parents at the school for update. Great job... and it is paying off, donations from the children are rolling in and our action has caused quite a stir and gets both attention and publicity! YEAH !!

Take care, stay tuned... xxx Jen

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