9 February 2009

Story of the Day

Ring, ring... Riobamba calling home. Just had Bram on the phone, so nice to hear his voice. They're doing really great and what a story he had to tell...

Up at 2:30 this morning and after a quick breakfast they were out starting the climb. Tim, Bram and the main guide. It started off really well ;-) with Tim forgetting his headlamp. And after 15 minutes it got even better with the guide not feeling well, returning to the lodge, sending his assistant up to continue. Tim decided to walk ahead while Bram waited for the assistant not being 100% of the path. Wise, cause Tim hit it off the wrong way... He was nowhere to be found. Bram and the assistant yelling their lungs out so that Tim would hear them. No Tim (who's got no headlamp). Main guide shows up and wonders what the hell is going on, taking it all out on the poor assistant! Eventually Tim comes back, main guide sends the other guy down again and off they go. Bram a little mad at Tim for taking off and mad at the guide for yelling. They reach the glacier and strap on their crampons. Turns out it's too warm outside, snow is really soft and especially Tim who's heavy, sinks through the snow all the time. To his hips! It really is no doing at all... On top of that is hailing, snowing and severe winds. So Bram takes his rugsack off and leaves it behind, moves in front and start trailing a path forward. And in this way it works and they manage to pick up speed. At 9 am they're on the summit! They skip the last 4m on that rocky part, conditions were just too hazardeous that it would have foolish. Awesome! The guide ended up apologizing for his behaviour on their way down, so everything is honky dory again.
Bram's just had a shower and they're out grabbing something to eat. Then get some serious rest and sleep cause tomorrow they leave for Cotopaxi, the worlds highest active volcano. A 3hr drive will take them to the mountain with a 45 min hike up to the refuge. Eraly Wednesday morning they're early out again for their 2nd summit. Hopefully a little luckier with the weather and not leaving any headlamps OR each other behind..
Sweet dreams. Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

It's great to read the story every day, well done Jenny.

Peppie said...

Well .... must say that they can´t complain about the richness of things that happend :-)
..getting lost...crawling through snow,shouting in the dark att the top of a mountain att the other side of the world! hahaha :-)
So to say, I am convinced that
they have the time of there life...

keep reading keep writing,